Limit Less
Location - Milan
Project Courtesy : IED, Milan
Type : Interior Design - Commercial-Master Thesis
Area: 2500 Sq.ft
Special Mention : Winning Entry for Amazon Design Awards, 2017
A solution to the challenge put out by Amazon to redesign their delivery station offices, with special attention to night-shifters. It aims at creating a system which is flexible, time-efficient and takes care of the comfort and well-being of the employees. Based on frugality, resource optimization and self-sufficiency, this system can transform the existing static work-spaces into modular, scalable and flexible stations, easily adaptable to different environments.
With a vision to transform what Amazon provides - unlimited experiences to people through a digital platform using simplicity and personalisation as the main tools, into a physical experience, a limitless space is visualized through an infinity symbol which binds all the existing areas together, creating an environment that is fluid and contains unlimited possibilities, indicating that the space has no start or end.